What is Shakeology made of?
The Shakeology- Breakdown: Adaptogens
By Sarah Stevenson
(An occasional series on the many fine ingredients that make up Shakeology.)
If you’re reading this, you probably know that the stuff in the new Tropical Strawberry Shakeology is good for you and vegan. If you’ve looked at the back of its shiny, white bag, you might even be aware that it’s atour de force of super healthy ingredients. But here’s the tricky part: Do you know exactly what all those ingredients do?
No more asking, what is Shakeology made of?
There’s a good chance that you don’t know, but being smart, healthy, and curious, you sure want to! If you fall into this camp, read on, because, as usual, Beachbody® is here to help.
Welcome to the first in a series here in the newsletter featuring the different proprietary blends in this wonder shake. This week, we tackle Shakeology’s vegan proprietary adaptogen herb blend.
Adaptogens function just like they sound, by allowing you to adapt to life’s changes. They help the body de-stress and return to a state of equilibrium. They possess three qualities:
- They are nontoxic.
- They benefit the whole body (not targeting any specific part).
- They create balance or one’s natural state of homeostasis in your system.
Of course, you’ll also find plenty of these adaptogens in the other flavors of Shakeology, so keep that in mind when perusing this list.
One thing we can all count on is that life will always be full of changes. When it is tough coping with those changes, turning to these balancing herbs may be the solution you need. Here are the adaptogens you’ll find in Shakeology:
- Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii). Maca contains calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper manganese, and zinc. It also has many fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid, as well as 19 amino acids. In 2002, Peruvian researchers conducted a study in which they found that men given maca root had a quantifiable increase in sexual desire after just 8 weeks. In a 2009 review of the effects of maca root, researchers reported, “Randomized clinical trials have shown that maca has favorable effects on energy and mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire.” In other words, this adaptogen can simultaneously heat you up and cool you down. You’ll be hard-pressed to find something more balanced than that.
- Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus). In 2009, researchers reported in the Journal of Immunology that astrgalus roots have antiviral and anti-aging properties. It’s a diuretic, meaning it helps flush out bacteria, viruses, and inflammation. It helps build up your immune system and does a great job at protecting the liver from toxins. In other words, this adaptogen keeps you healthy and young.
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means “horse’s smell” likely because the root smells like a sweaty horse. (Thankfully, it tastes like strawberries in this shake!) Practitioners of the traditional Indian practice of Ayurvedic medicine use ashwagandha root to keep the central nervous system healthy. This can help with disorders in the CNS like epilepsy, stress, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Practitioners also prescribe ashwagandha root to reduce stress and as a sleep aid. So if you want a healthy central nervous system, or want to stay relaxed and sleep sound, this adoptogen is for you.
Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa). In Chinese and Japanese herbal medicine, the maitake mushroom is coined the “medicinal mushroom.” This mushroom is rich in potassium; calcium; magnesium; vitamins B2, D2, and niacine; fiber; and amino acids. In a 2009 study, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center found maitake mushrooms to posses anti-cancer qualities! Several studies conducted at Japan’s Hokkaido University have shown that this mushroom has the power to regulate blood pressure, insulin, glucose, and liver lipids like cholesterol, triglyceriedes, and phospholipids. Forget “medicinal mushroom.” Sounds more like “miracle mushroom.”
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis, fungi). In his 15th century medical text, Tibetian doctor Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje sites cordyceps fungi as helping with sexual dysfunction, but that’s just one of its many benefits. Over the years, animal studies have shown cordyceps fungi can treat an array of conditions, including treatment of arrhythmia, gastric spasm, gastric atony, consumptive cough, excessive sweating, kidney and liver health, and autoimmune diseases. And recently, British research shows that cordyceps may be a valuable tool in fighting cancer. But wait, there’s more! When Chinese athletes broke world records in track in the 1992 Olympics, everyone accused the athletes of steroid use. But the athletes attributed their success to cordyceps, claiming the fungi promoted efficient use of oxygen and increased blood flow to organs.
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum). Also known as the “supernatural mushroom,” these fungi have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. They’re known in the East for their amazing benefits and lack of side effects. Reishi mushrooms contain a group of triterpene phytonutrients called ganoderic acids that have anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities. Researchers have found the reishi mushroom can be used to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. It is also currently being studied for its anti-tumor qualities and ability to protect against liver disease. Talk about super natural.
Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum, leaf). Used for centuries by Ayurvedic practitioners, holy basil is worshiped in the Hindu religion as the avatar of Goddess Lakshmi. Although holy basil has been used for centuries therapeutically, over the last few decades many scientists and researchers from India have started to get very serious in their study of the plant and its benefits. Studies suggest that the leaves boost insulin secretion, thus acting as a pain killer (due to their ability to inhibit COX-2); lower cholesterol; and have antioxidant, immune-boosting, and stress-relieving properties. Practitioners prescribe the leaf of this plant to treat common colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, and many forms of poisoning. No doubt about it, holy basil is one holy stress reliever.
Schisandra (Schisandra spp., fruit). A native of East Asia used in traditional Chinese medicine, the name translates as “five flavor fruit” because it possesses all five flavors in Chinese herbal medicine: salty, sweet, sour, pungent (spicy), and bitter. In 2011, Chinese researchers conducted a study in which they stressed out mice for 18 hours to the point that they were not able to accomplish tasks properly. (Sorry Mickey and Minnie!) They then administered a dose of schisandra. Shortly thereafter, the mice were able to follow through with the tasks presented to them. Other animal studies suggest the use of schisandra can help resist infections; improve skin health; and fight off insomnia, coughing, and thirst. It has also been used in Chinese medicine to help protect the liver, stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and as a stimulant to increase energy levels. If it works for Mickey Mouse it can work for you.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba, leaf). Native of China, also known as the Maidenhair Tree, ginkgo biloba is unique, having no relatives similar to it. Current studies are beginning to uncover the amazing benefits that this herb has to offer the mind regarding clarity and attention span. In 2005, a study was conducted involving 52 healthy young adult volunteers. When compared to a placebo, they found that ginkgo takers had “significantly improved performance on the sustained-attention task and pattern-recognition memory task.” The effect was almost immediate and reached its peak 2.5 hours after intake. And if that’s not enough, in Chinese medicine it is often used for increasing blood flow to protect against blood clotting, and to ward off vertigo. A fast-acting mind-clearer? Goodbye coffee, hello Shakeology!
As you can clearly see, we didn’t pick these adaptogens all willy-nilly. Each one was carefully researched and selected to bring good health to several different aspects of your life. From ancient cure-alls to aphrodisiacs, stress-busters to (legal) Olympic performance enhancers, adaptogens are the key to adding something most of us sorely miss in our lives: balance.
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