Soon I will posting a part of my story and where my "why" comes from. This is the toughest part of my life that I will be sharing with you all. I feel it is important for me to let you know what I have been through in my life and what has lead me to where I
am today. For me my journey has been for the mental transformation. Of course physical fitness is a huge part of my life, but the way that it makes you Feel is much more important to me than how it makes you look.
I will let you know that before moving here to Okinawa I was on anti-depressant / anti-anxiety medication off and on for the past 7 (almost 8 years). In my first year of marriage we were stationed overseas and we had life events happen that could make or break a marriage. I will tell you that we could not have grown any stronger. We made it through the Toughest year in our life while away from family and made some friends that we will never forget.
Since I signed on a coach I have known that sharing your story is a huge part in having success. Others are having to open and share their struggles with you in order to lose weight and get happy, so why wouldn't I have to share mine. This task has been on my mind for months. It has not been an easy story to think about and to share it with others had my mind going back and forth. I'm having pretty good success with just being myself and reaching out. So, why should I even worry myself with sharing my "why". The Real "Why" that comes from way deep down. I know that because this issue lingers constantly in my mind that I must share it.
This is my first attempt to opening up to everyone and I will put my entire story out to everyone very soon.
After months of asking myself why I'm afraid to let you all in I've come to a realization. Not wanting to see, read, and hear the reactions from everyone, the sympathies and condolances is not worth missing the chance to reach out and help so many others. Allowing everyone to see my pain that I have come through is Huge for me. But I know that there are others going through similar circumstances that I can help. I will never forget those that have been there for us through the years. I want to be able to reach out with all my heart and help others in every way that I can.
To give back, continue to grow, and help others overcome their struggles is my life mission.
So, here is me, putting my toes in water and testing it out. I will dive in next! I hope you're ready to move forward and grow upward from what life throws your way.