My P90x transformation!
Anything is possible when you commit and have support. If you're ready to make changes in your life get started now! Commit to my 90 day challenge and you will be feeling great and reaching your goals better than ever!
Anything is possible when you commit and have support. If you're ready to make changes in your life get started now! Commit to my 90 day challenge and you will be feeling great and reaching your goals better than ever!
Day 1- I am ready to give P90x all I have! I'm fed up with the pooch belly and it bloating out through out the day and not fitting into my pants/shorts by the end of each day. I blame it on having C-sections (2 in the classic vertical style and tons of scar tissue). I eat right and am moderately active. Come on P90x!! I'm leaving the excuses at the door and not letting them in!
Day 11- I woke up feeling good. Just over a week into P90x and doing each workout the best I could. I wasn't getting through them all and I struggled especially with Yoga X. Oh man, one day I will master that one!
Day 23- or somewhere around there. I lost some of my motivation. let's face it, it happens. But I kept active and incorporated others things. I participated in a local 5k (The Armed Forces 5k), I also attend a class at the gym. I was still doing p90x, but realized I needed some more cardio. Now, do you see what I see?!? I didn't see this in the mirror every day and my measurements never really sank into my head of what I am accomplishing. I figured I'd take some pics to try to see some progress there and..ta-da!! I am as motivated and eager to keep pushing Play as I ever have been! Seriously, day 23 and seeing a flatter more firm belly and a booty that's perkin up.Oh, and do you see the Guns?! P90x is worth it! YAY! I'm going to keep taking these baby steps every single day!!
DAY 30
Day 30!!!!! Seriously?! I made it to the 30 day mark!? I'm so very proud of myself! I had my ups and downs just like everyone else, but I am looking forward to the next 30 & 60 days even more now. The way I carry weight on my shoulders is changing (in the mental not physical sense) and I'm beginning to feel so much better about myself and becoming more confident in the things I do. This journey is SO much more than a physical transformation. Becoming a role model to others to show how to eat with healthy habits and to exercise in one way or the other each day is what I was born to do! I'm loving this new "job" and I LOVE sharing it all with others looking to take the same path to being fit and happy.
Even My 4year old Son is enjoying my workouts!
So far I've lost
~1/2 in on my waist
~1.5in on my belly
~2in on my hips
~ .5in on each thigh
~Gained .25in on each arm (muscle baby!)
~Lost .5 lb
That's 4 1/2 inches lost TOTAL!! turnin that flab into fab muscle :o)
~1/2 in on my waist
~1.5in on my belly
~2in on my hips
~ .5in on each thigh
~Gained .25in on each arm (muscle baby!)
~Lost .5 lb
That's 4 1/2 inches lost TOTAL!! turnin that flab into fab muscle :o)
I Completed P90x!!! I focused on each workout and healthy eating, including adding Shakeology to my daily meal.

My Day 1-60.. P90x transformation in action!