Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to Become an Elite Beachbody Coach 2014

How do I qualify to be a 2014 Elite Coach?To qualify for 2014 Elite, you must:
1) Be a paid 5 Star Diamond or higher ON the bonus week ending on December 31, 2014 AND
2) Earn 125 Elite Points AND
3) Advance 2 Personally Sponsored Coaches to a paid rank of Diamond in 2014. Both Coaches must also have a paid rank of Diamond ON bonus week ending December 31, 2014.
How do I earn Elite points?
How to Earn Elite Points
Maximum Points for 2014 Elite
For every 10,000 incremental ATV [2] point earned in 2014 compared to total ATV earned in 2013.
For every 500 PV produced by Personally Sponsored Coaches (who sign up in 2014).[3]
For every month in 2014 which a personally sponsored Coach (with a join date in 2013 or 2014) qualifies for SC5 or SC10.

1. For every month you qualify for Success Club, we will double your Elite points earned in the same month.
2. ATV - Advancement Team Volume is total Personal Volume generated by all Coaches on your first three levels of Personal sponsorship
3. All personally sponsored Coaches PV will be aggregated together.
If I have a secondary CBC will it count towards my Elite qualifications?Yes, if the second CBC was created in 2014, any PV generated by the CBC will contribute to your Elite points. Secondary CBCs enrolled in 2014 will also be eligible to count towards the requirement to advance 2 new Personally Sponsored Coaches to Diamond rank.
How will I know how many Elite points I have earned?All Coaches who are a lifetime Diamond or higher will receive an Elite point update email on the second Friday of each month, beginning February 2014. Update emails will be sent out weekly in November and December 2014.
What are the Elite rewards?-Title of "Elite Coach"
-$500 Elite bonus per month in 2015. To receive the bonus in any month you must achieve Success Club 5 or 10 AND be a paid 5 Star Diamond for at least 1 bonus week in that calendar month.-Invitation to the Elite evening at Summit (1 night lodging).
-On State Recognition & 2014 Custom Elite Jacket awarded at Summit 2015.
-Two (2) VIP floor seats at 2015 Summit AND VIP seating at certain events during the 2015 Leadership Retreat.
-Invitation to attend 2015 Mastermind Session prior to the 2015 Leadership Retreat (includes one night's lodging).
-An invitation to the Elite reception at the 2015 Moon Palace Cancun event (must register for the trip separately).
-Total reward value: (approximately $3,000).
Anything else I need to know?
Yes. Please review the Official Elite 2014 Rules for complete terms and conditions about this promotion.

Want to become a Beachbody Coach and be trained by the BEST? Contact me here or get signed up here!

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