Lets meet P90X3 shall we??
First off, there is no longer the excuse of "I don't have time to workout". This fitness program is ONLY 30 minutes a day for 6 days a week. I know that everyone can find 30 minutes a day to devote to a healthier lifestyle and this is why I think P90X3 would benefit you...
Muscle Acceleration Explained: Many fans of P90X were hooked on the science of muscle confusion- which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateaus. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of a workout. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton- approved highly- structured schedule with and incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.
I remember during P90X I was always giggling at Tony...which brings me to my next point! Say Goodbye to Boredom: Tony Horton does not disappoint. With his witty one-liners and can-do mantras, he'll simultaneously have you laughing and fired-up to bust out that final rep. Along with the consistent entertainment, P90X3 has the most workouts of any Beachbody program! With 16 workouts in the base kit, they switch it up before you have a chance to consider boredom. From cardio to strength to pilates to MMX, there is something for everyone! SAY WHAT???!!! How awesome is this!
The ideal P90X3-er:
It may seem lofty to proclaim, but P90X3 is indeed a workout for everyone. Everyone searching for tighter abs and leaner muscles, that is. But fitness novices and experts need not be afraid by P90X3's come-one-come-all invitation. You don't have to have any previous P90X experience in order to get killer results. For the beginner, the variety of workouts in P90X3 is the perfect place to discover their fitness style. If the move can be modified there is a cast member showing you how. But don't expect to be an expert on day one. (YES, fitness veterans will still be challenged.) As Tony says, "You don't get off easy, you just get to finish faster!"
It doesn't stop there:
And of course there are some bells and whistles too good to ignore. First off, the Coach exclusive: if P90X3 is purchased through a coach any time from December 10th-31st (including Challenge Packs), the customer receives an exclusive P90X3 baseball cap!
WHOOP WHOOP!!! What better way to spread the word about this revolutionary program???
OH MAN!!!! AND IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!!!! WE HAVE AN APP! Yes, now for the first time the P90X app is available on Android and iOS (will be available 12/10 on Android) The app includes P90X guided workouts, tools to track your reps, weights, and progress. Launching soon, is the P90X3 addition- which brings you workout specific tracking modules, scheduling options and the motivation you need to power through the 90 days. P90X3 scheduling and tracking will be available on the app for Android on 12/10 and is coming soon for iPhone. Check out the app and get ready to BRING IT!!!
When can you get it??
You can get your hands on your own copy of P90X3 on December 10th. P90X3 will be released on my site where you will have a two options to choose from. 1.) Regularly $205, Beachbody is doing an introductory price of $180 for the Challenge Pack! This pack includes the 90 day workout, the nutrition guide, program manual, schedule of workouts, shakeology, free 30 day trial of the club membership, free shipping and is your ticket into my Exclusive Test Group! Where you can be one of the first people to experience the results of P90X3 and have the chance to win up to $100,000. Take a look at these results
Option 2: is to purchase the program alone. The program alone is $119.00 + shipping and the equipment is needed!
If you would like to be considered to for my Exclusive Test Group for P90X3 contact me on facebook or e-mail.
Monday, December 9, 2013
WOOHOO!! I am SO Excited for the NEW P90X3!! Let me tell ya, P90X was the very first Beachbody program I ever did. It was the stepping stone to a whole new life! I was committed and graduated the full 90 days, but it wasn't easy.
The workouts were an hour + long and for a beginner that seemed like FOREVER! Well, shoot it still does and honestly why I haven't been able to complete X2. So sad. But, all this leads me to P90X3!!
It's just a phenominal program through and through. I can't wait to get my hands on it and get back to Tony's trainings. The fact that it's ONLY 30 mins a day with even better results than the original has me SOLD!
Here's some facts to share about X3 that'll help you understand more about it.
**Check out numbers 5, 16 & 19**
1. All workouts are 30 minutes long
2. The warm-up is 2 minutes and then constant work for the remaining 28 minutes
3. There is a separate warm-up disk called Cold Start if you need a longer warm-up due to environment, time of day, etc
4. P90X3 is a separate program from P90X and P90X2, not a harder version
5. Anyone can start on P90X3, even beginners
6. The nutrition plan goes back to nutrition basics of Power 90 and healthy eating
7. There are 16 workouts in the P90X3 base System
8. The Deluxe package has 4 extra routines for a total of 20
9. P90X3 will include a new Pilates based workout…
10. P90X3 will also include an all new Isometrics workout- A New Strength/Balance/ Flexibility workout with Static Holds
11. And it will include CVX: Cardiovascular Extreme – a Cardio workout with weights
12. And P90X3 has MMX – a Mixed Martial Arts Extreme that expands the Kenpo workout
13. Includes Agility X- All new agility programming
14. And yes, Yoga is still part of the program, but it’s only 30 mins
15. There are 4 schedules in X3- classic, lean, doubles, and bulk
16. 39 out of 40 people in the Test group lost 10% of their body fat %!!!!! (Whoa! How awesome is that?!)
17. If you’ve done P90X or P90X2, you’ll see similar moves and all new stuff too
18. Equipment needed will include weights or bands (a pull-up bars is great like in P90X, but optional)
19. Every move in X3 has a Beginner/Modified, In between move, and Challenging/Hard
20. This program is based on science that suggests the first 30 minutes is the most effective part of any exercise routine, so we accelerate the workouts to create the most effective 30 minute routine
21. Ab Moves- Most of them are athletic in nature, some are standing up and many are front facing instead of being on your back
22. P90X3 will be available December 10, 2013
MAKE ME YOUR FREE COACH and I will guide you through the entire program through a private online group. If you have questions contact me here or on facebook . Let's get 2014 started off the right way together!
MAKE ME YOUR FREE COACH and I will guide you through the entire program through a private online group. If you have questions contact me here or on facebook . Let's get 2014 started off the right way together!
Product links. NOTE: These will NOT be active until end of day 12/10 when the products are live in the store.
Shop P90X3 HERE
Shop P90X3 HERE
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Renewing Your Life with Health & Fitness
I'm sure we all feel pretty much the same way when we gain weight. We hate how we feel and look. We don't want to be around hardly anyone. In our own heads we call ourselves fat, ugly, and any other word to keep us down. Trust me, I've been there, I've done that. Smile on the outside and feel horrible on the inside. We ALL do at some point. Maybe it only lasts a few days, but others it's years!
However, the biggest issue isn't just ourselves. Our negative thoughts control how we act towards others, our family. Top it off with being a military family and BAM the stress just becomes unreal! Your relationships suffer, your once 'happily ever after' marriage becomes more like live in room mates. Yeah, it's true that any relationship will suffer if you don't feel great about yourself, but us military couples live with a whole new level of communication. Deployments & TDY's come at the drop of a hat and without that strong backbone in your marriage these trips and long work days can add in trouble.
2 1/2 years ago my marriage was OK. Issue was, I felt bad about myself. I was jiggly, tired of not fitting into my clothes 1/2 the time, having health issues arise at WAY to young of an age, and honestly just didn't want my husband to touch me. I didn't like how I felt and knew it needed to change to get our marriage back where it should be!
When we first got married we would spend every evening together working out at the gym and our relationship was incredible! It gave us the energy and positive attitude that new marriages needed. Of course life sets in and we moved overseas. My dad passed away from a heart attack 3 months after moving away. Then 10 months later we lost our first born son, Conner at 28weeks and surviving just 25minutes after delivery. All THIS is our 1 year of marriage! We had every reason in the book to not work out as a couple. BUT all that we have been through just made us that much stronger together.
We pushed through and worked it out the best we could. Ending 5 years later with some bellies & health issues, but still with each other. When we moved overseas again that dread was in the back of my mind of all the horrible things that happened the last time. What if...?? But I took those needed steps ahead. I threw away all of my depression & anxiety pills, I got rid of those Slimquick pills, and I picked up P90X. My thought was....working out together made us the strong couple that carried us trough all of that all those years ago! We WILL be that strong loving couple again!
It wasn't easy in the beginning. My hubby was stubborn beyond all get out. Didn't like that I was sore & tired those first few weeks. He didn't like that I wasn't cooking up the same meals and sides as normal. But I stood firm. I knew he would come around and would recognize how much better I was feeling about myself. 30 days later, he began P90X. (BAM! I knew he would!!)
Fast forward to day. We've been overseas for 2 1/2 years now, through 2 deployments and a few TDYS. I do believe we have an even more solid relationship than we did 10 years ago. Being healthy & feeling good about ourselves has renewed our marriage. Having that common activity to be able to do together is awesome! I can easily say that beginning this lifestyle has rekindled our marriage. Deployments & TDYs are still tough no doubt, but having a stable mindset and constant goals to achieve together has been the KEY to making it to year 10.
Self confidence is amazing and the self doubt and negative thoughts are all gone! So when I offer to help others to lose weight, to feel great about themselves and get their life back I'm not just saying that to be catchy. You truly will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I live it every single day with my family. I do these things day in and day out because it's our lifestyle.
So with all that being said I just came across a book that I think ALL military families should have. Because for me getting healthy is a family affair I will be giving this book to Every Single person in my Challenge Groups. It was a Challenge Group that saved my life & marriage and I hope to do the same for you. The journey is 1/2 physical and 1/2 mental. You will be getting a copy of The 5 Love Languages Military Edition.
Can't wait to help yo live your best life! I run these groups every single month in a private online group. If you're looking to change your life please contact me so we can get started!
Monday, April 15, 2013
So, what is a Challenge Group?
When I began my P90X journey there was just one support group. Now while that was awesome to have it was very easy NOT to post and to be lost in the crowd. I'll be honest and tell ya that I skip some workouts. I was sore all the time, tired and while I was self motivated some days I just wan't feeling like it. Without having a group of people working out with me there honestly wasn't a ton of pressure to Press Play every day. And let me tell ya, those little actions that you do every single day make a HUGE difference!
Since these Challenge Groups kicked off I've 100% completed more program that ever! My nutrition has been pretty good and I feel so much better knowing I'm giving it all I can. But what I really love about these challenge groups is the energy that everyone brings to them! Knowing that everyone is working towards a goal is inspiring. Having a private group where you can ask any question without being judged or knocked down is great motivator too.
Have you ever began to workout only to be said "you'll never stick with it", "why don't you just use this instead, it'll work faster?" or even worse your friends and family talk badly about your progress and posts because You are the one changing and they are not? Well, let me tell you something. You are supported 100% every single day in my Challenge groups! When you're looking for support, motivation, accountability, and a team to cheer you on, you never have to any further than the group you're in. We not only work on your physical but also your mental hurdles. Sometimes it's more of a mental game to reach our goals than anything physical.
In my Challenge Groups we engage with daily topics to help you find the person you are meant to be. We share struggles, success, and of course those 30 day Milestones!
What do you want to gain in your life? Do you want to be happy, confident, stronger, faster, thinner? No matter what your goals are I'm here to help you reach them!
It's all about helping YOU reach your goals. Feeling great about life and reclaiming the body and mind that you've always wanted!
Ask me about my Challenge Groups which are help monthly! Choose your program with my assistance, choose your flavor of Shakeology and then be ready to change your life!
You can get started here by making me your coach and message me on facebook for details!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Confessions of The Daily Deployment Life, From a Mom and Son.
This is not my typical kind of facebook post or blog. This is real and a glimpse into my daily life as a military spouse. For the most part I am very happy, easy going, do whatever it takes, etc. kind of girl. I LOVE my life and even more so my family, friends, and talking about health & fitness. Shoot, working out makes me feel alive & eating clean and healthy keeps me feeling energized and light on my feet. Running, well let's not get started there! Sun on my skin, pavement under my feet, heart pounding in my chest, music in the ears, with no thoughts but my own. Pure bliss!! But that's just a small part of my life. There is so much more going on and I feel now is as good a time than ever to give you glimpse to what makes me tick.

Well, this marks our *maybe* 10th deployment since I've been with my husband. (To be honest we've lost count) I've learned the routine, I know how the days go leading up to it, the first few weeks, the ending and even the home coming. One trip a year will teach you the consistencies and expectations, but to be honest it doesn't ever actually get any easier. Sure, in the beginning when it's all so new you get that "angry, annoying, fighting stage" where you're just at each other about everything and so when it's time to say good-bye it's more of a relief than sadness. The thing about all of that though is that you're only fooling yourself, you're going to miss all those silly bickering moments, those annoying habits, and the contant running around that MUST be done THAT DAY.
But then comes the day when you actually get bitter sweet about the upcoming trip. You grow closer together, do more favors for each other, spend quality time as a family and just feel like you're in utter bliss. I think as a family that's very important especially with kids. If you think it's tough for you to say good-bye to your spouse think of how your child feels or even the parent who is having to leave. I see if in my 6 year olds eyes at night. It's heart breaking. It wasn't always this way though.
You see when Aiden was younger these trips were very easy for him. Our son was such a busy body and into everything that daddy being gone didn't really phase him. It was just another day that daddy was at work. No big deal. Last year, Aiden was 5, that all changed. He now understands what's going on and it gets to him. We did ok during our last trip of course we made each day the best we could. Lots of cuddles, a special count down jar and even a trip to visit family back in the states. Oh I forgot to mention we're stationed overseas, so it totally puts a different spin on being "a single parent".
So, another year has passed, 6 years old, 1st grade and even more emotions and comprehending what's going on. He misses daddy a whole lot and it shows in several ways. Sometimes it's hard for the kids to understand their feelings and how to express how they feel. Aiden does talk about it, but sometimes the things he says can really hurt. He doesn't mean for it to be that way, but to stand there and be the only parent to comfort and help him and myself be ok is a very tough job to do. Not to mention teaching him right from wrong when he says things that are hurtful to yourself, but knowing it's the only way he knows how to express how he's feeling.
For example last night he was tired and probably annoyed that dinner wasn't ready. I asked him to just pull out some veggies to microwave and a corn dog for himself. I know, not the best choices, but we do what we gotta do. Anyways, all because I was slaving away in the kitchen, running behind, and asked him to put the veggies in first he just opens the flood gates. "I wish you were in the air force and gone and that daddy was here" "I love daddy so much more than you" Just stab a fork in me and call me Done! He said this all so calmly that all I could do was turn and calmly tell him to go to his room. I honestly think the monotone in my voice struck him. Instant sobbing and without arguing walked to his bedroom.
This is where it's hard as the parent who is home and not gone. You have to be the mom & dad. The understanding and nurturing one and the teaching you a lesson from right & wrong parent. Such a fine line to hold day in and day out. We had a good mom & son talk about what he said and that's it's ok to miss your daddy, but also that it's not ok to say things in that way. Just the way that he hurts inside is how his words hurt mommy. To me it's important that Aiden understands that we all miss each other and it's good to talk about it, but we have to be kind with our words and not hurt feelings when we're sad or upset. It's not that his words actually hurt me, I have thick skin and have prepared for these things. It's the fact that I have to see my little boy hurt like that and to learn such lessons. You wish you could take all the heartache away and allow him to live a normal little kids life.
Now don't get me wrong. I love our life as a military family. I am proud of my husband for doing his duty, keeping us safe, and protecting others while away. I would not change our life for the world! Seems silly that I would even have to stand my ground on that matter, but I know it's necessary. I'm only putting our story out there to show others that we're all the same. No matter how many times you've been through a deployment, the number of kids you have, the type of job your spouse has in the military, we are all the same.
I am sure this isn't the last time we'll have nights like this. But we have survived this night (a very long one at that!) and will get through the next couple of months in the same way. I will share that we have a special countdown sign for Aiden to keep track with. He even has a pillow with a picture of daddy & him on it and a puppy with daddies voice recorded into it. Of course we've talked with facetime a few times and that helps so much too. Every day is a new journey and we will all continue to keep it together as best as possible until we're all together again. Even if we have a few stumbles along the way and need to take a break to just cuddle.
For all you other military families please reach out to others and know that you are NEVER alone in this. No matter the issue or celebration talk to a friend or family member. Keep busy (find a workout partner) and mark each day off as one day closer to being together again!
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